Best Techniques For Cooking Crispy Peking-style Duck

If you’re a fan of Chinese cuisine, then you know that the deliciously crispy Peking-style duck is a must-try dish. But achieving that perfect, golden skin can be a challenge. Luckily, we’ve got you covered with some of the best techniques for cooking this mouthwatering delicacy. From prepping the duck to achieving that distinctive crispiness, we’ll guide you through each step to ensure your Peking-style duck turns out perfectly every time. Get ready to impress your guests with this timeless culinary delight.

Best Techniques For Cooking Crispy Peking-style Duck


Before embarking on the journey of cooking a mouth-watering crispy Peking-style duck, it is crucial to properly prepare the duck for the cooking process. This involves three key steps: choosing the duck, cleaning the duck, and seasoning the duck.

Choosing the duck

When it comes to choosing the perfect duck for your Peking-style masterpiece, opt for a plump and tender bird. Look for ducks with a generous layer of fat, as this will contribute to that delectable crispy skin. Additionally, ensure that the duck is fresh and of high quality, as this will greatly impact the taste of the final dish.

Cleaning the duck

Cleaning the duck thoroughly is an essential step in the preparation process. Begin by rinsing the duck under cold water, both inside and out, to remove any impurities. Take extra care to clean the cavity of the duck. Afterwards, pat the duck dry with paper towels to remove excess moisture.

Seasoning the duck

To infuse the duck with flavor, it is important to season it generously. Peking-style duck traditionally calls for a combination of salt, five-spice powder, and white pepper. Season the duck both inside and out, ensuring that the seasoning is evenly distributed. Allow the duck to marinate in the seasoning for at least 6 hours, or ideally overnight, in the refrigerator. This will enhance the taste and tenderness of the meat.


Once the duck has been properly seasoned, the next step is to dry it out. This is crucial for achieving that sought-after crispy skin.

Air-drying the duck

To air-dry the duck, simply transfer it onto a wire rack and place it in a cool, dry area. This method allows the moisture on the surface of the duck to evaporate gradually. It is recommended to leave the duck to air dry for at least 24 hours. This step helps in removing excess moisture, resulting in a crispier skin texture during the roasting process.

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Using a fan to speed up drying process

For those who are short on time, using a fan can expedite the drying process. Place the duck in front of a fan on low speed, ensuring that the air circulation reaches all sides of the duck. This method can help reduce the drying time to approximately 4-6 hours. However, it is important to continuously monitor the duck to prevent it from drying out too much.


Lacquering the duck is a pivotal step in achieving the signature glossy and flavorful skin of Peking-style duck.

Making the lacquer sauce

To create the delicious lacquer sauce, combine hoisin sauce, soy sauce, rice wine, honey, minced ginger, and minced garlic in a small saucepan. Stir the ingredients together over low heat until well combined and the flavors meld together. Allow the sauce to cool before proceeding to the next step.

Applying lacquer sauce on the duck

Once the lacquer sauce has cooled, it’s time to apply it to the duck. Use a basting brush to generously coat the entire surface of the duck, ensuring that the sauce reaches every nook and cranny. The lacquer sauce not only adds a delightful sweetness to the duck but also helps in achieving that irresistible glossy appearance.

Letting the lacquer dry

After the lacquer sauce has been applied, let the duck sit for approximately 2 hours to allow the flavors to penetrate the skin. During this time, the duck will also air dry slightly, further enhancing the texture of the skin. This step is essential to ensure that the duck roasts evenly and develops its characteristic crispy exterior.


Now that the duck has been properly prepared and lacquered, it’s time to move on to the roasting process. This step is crucial in achieving that perfect balance of tender and juicy meat with a crispy, golden skin.

Preheating the oven

Begin by preheating your oven to a high temperature, typically around 425°F (220°C). The initial high heat will help to sear the skin quickly, sealing in the juices and facilitating the development of a crispy outer layer.

Placing the duck on a rack

To ensure even cooking and optimal air circulation, place the duck on a wire rack set inside a roasting pan. This allows the heat to circulate around the duck, resulting in a more uniform cooking process.

Roasting at a high temperature

Roast the duck in the preheated oven for approximately 15 minutes. This initial high-temperature blast kickstarts the browning process and begins to render the fat, contributing to that coveted crispy skin. After 15 minutes, reduce the oven temperature to 350°F (175°C) and continue roasting for approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes. This longer cooking time allows the meat to cook thoroughly while retaining its tenderness.

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Using a drip tray

To prevent any excess fat from causing smoke or flare-ups in the oven, place a drip tray under the wire rack to catch the rendered fat. This not only prevents any potential mess but also ensures that the cooking process remains safe and smoke-free.

Best Techniques For Cooking Crispy Peking-style Duck

Turning and Basting

To achieve an evenly cooked and flavorful duck, turning and basting are important techniques to master.

Flipping the duck during roasting

About halfway through the roasting time, carefully flip the duck over using tongs or oven-safe gloves. This helps to ensure that both sides of the duck receive equal heat distribution and promote even browning.

Basting with rendered duck fat

Throughout the roasting process, occasionally baste the duck with the rendered fat that collects in the drip tray. This not only adds a burst of flavor but also helps to keep the meat moist and succulent.

Basting with soy sauce mixture

Additionally, during the last 30 minutes of roasting, baste the duck with a mixture of soy sauce and water. This gives the skin a delightful savory flavor and adds a beautiful caramelized glaze to the final dish.


For the ultimate crispy skin experience, a few additional steps are needed towards the end of the roasting process.

Increasing oven temperature

To intensify the crispiness of the skin, increase the oven temperature to 450°F (230°C) for the last 10-15 minutes of roasting. This burst of high heat helps to further render the fat and achieve that irresistible crunch.

Turning on broil setting

Switch on the broil setting for the final 2-3 minutes of cooking. This quick blast of intense heat will give the skin a final golden color and an enticingly crisp texture. However, exercise caution during this step, as the skin can burn quickly under the broiler.

Achieving crispy skin

By following these steps carefully, you will achieve a perfectly crispy and golden skin on your Peking-style duck. The contrast between the crunchy outer layer and tender, flavorful meat within will leave you wanting more.

Monitor closely to avoid burning

During the crisping process, it is essential to monitor the duck closely to avoid any burning. The high heat and short duration can cause the skin to darken rapidly, so keep a watchful eye to achieve the desired level of crispiness without crossing the line into charred territory.

Best Techniques For Cooking Crispy Peking-style Duck

Resting and Carving

After the duck has been roasted to perfection, it is important to allow it to rest before carving. This resting period allows the juices to redistribute within the meat, resulting in a more tender and succulent final dish.

Allowing the duck to rest

Remove the roasted duck from the oven and let it rest, uncovered, for approximately 20 minutes. This resting time also allows the skin to further crisp up and ensures that the meat retains its juiciness.

Removing excess fat

Once the duck has rested, remove any excess fat by gently blotting it with paper towels. This step helps to reduce the greasiness of the dish and highlights the flavors of the succulent meat.

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Carving the duck into thin slices

To showcase the beautifully cooked Peking-style duck, carve it into thin slices. Begin by removing the legs and wings, followed by slicing the breast meat. Use a sharp carving knife or a cleaver to achieve clean and precise cuts. Arrange the slices on a serving platter, ready to delight your taste buds.


The time has finally come to indulge in the culinary masterpiece that is crispy Peking-style duck. To truly elevate the dining experience, consider the following serving suggestions.

Traditional accompaniments

Peking-style duck is traditionally served with delicate, thin pancakes, hoisin sauce, thinly sliced scallions, and cucumber. To enjoy the dish authentically, spread a small amount of hoisin sauce onto a pancake, add a few slices of duck meat, a sprinkle of scallions, and a few strips of cucumber. Roll up the pancake and relish in the explosion of flavors and textures.

Plating the duck

For an elegant presentation, arrange the carved duck slices on a large serving platter, overlapping them slightly. Add a small dish of hoisin sauce in the center for dipping or drizzling over the meat.

Garnishing with scallions and cucumber

To add a pop of freshness and visual appeal, garnish the platter with thinly sliced scallions and cucumber. This additional touch not only enhances the overall presentation but also complements the richness of the duck meat.

Best Techniques For Cooking Crispy Peking-style Duck

Tips and Tricks

To further enhance your mastery of cooking crispy Peking-style duck, consider the following tips and tricks.

Using a convection oven for even cooking

If you have access to a convection oven, utilize it to achieve even cooking throughout the duck. The forced airflow in a convection oven promotes more uniform heat distribution and enhances the crisping process.

Brining the duck for added flavor

For an extra layer of flavor, consider brining the duck prior to seasoning. Brining involves soaking the duck in a saltwater solution, typically overnight, to infuse it with moisture and enhance its natural savory taste.

Adjusting cooking time based on duck size

The cooking time required for roasting Peking-style duck may vary depending on the size of the bird. Be sure to adjust the cooking time accordingly to ensure that the duck is cooked through and achieves optimal crispiness.


While traditional Peking-style duck is a culinary delight in itself, there is always room for experimentation and personalization.

Adding a glaze

For a twist on the traditional lacquer sauce, consider adding a glaze to the duck during the last minutes of roasting. This can be achieved by combining honey, soy sauce, and a touch of five-spice powder. The glaze will give the duck an extra layer of flavor and create a stunning caramelized finish.

Experimenting with different spices

While the traditional five-spice powder is the classic choice, feel free to experiment with different spice combinations to suit your taste preferences. Consider adding a dash of cinnamon or star anise to infuse the duck with unique aromatic notes.

Combining Peking-style duck with other cuisines

To take your culinary adventure to the next level, consider combining Peking-style duck with elements from other cuisines. For example, pairing the succulent duck meat with soft steamed buns from Chinese cuisine or incorporating the meat into flavorful tacos from Mexican cuisine. The possibilities are endless and can result in a fusion dish that tantalizes the taste buds.

In conclusion, cooking crispy Peking-style duck can be a labor of love, requiring careful preparation, attention to detail, and patience. By following these expert techniques and guidelines, you will be well on your way to creating a delicious masterpiece that rivals the flavors of a traditional Chinese restaurant. So roll up your sleeves, don your culinary hat, and embark on a journey of culinary excellence as you bring the magic of Peking-style duck to your own kitchen.

Best Techniques For Cooking Crispy Peking-style Duck